Project 52: Week 2 (March 12 - 18th)
This past week....
- mowed lawns which is strange considering its March and still officially winter.
- worked at getting the compost pile in order and ready for a new fence
Scott made me promise to put in the pic of him and his pitchfork. Dont ask me why?? |
- pulled down some bushes so that I can sit by the creek (aka city run off area)
- stripped the branches in preparation of making a wattle fence
- cleaned out the temporary chicken coop and took the girls out for a little outdoor time
Notice how big they've got and ugly. |
- fed the hens worms the neighbor boy brought over for us
- visited the duck pond and had some fun feeding ducks and geese
The kids at the Ftn. City Lake. |
- found a local grocery store that is super cheap and has all these cool old fashioned labeled cans (Grocery Store Outlet)
- named the hens...Mae Belle, Lucy Goose, Clara Clucker, Daisy Duke,
Sweet Pea & June Bug (yes their is 6 instead of the legal 5, but
one of them we will be finding a family for soon)
The girls are growing up. |
Daisy Duke was very curious of my Iphone. |
- ended up parking the SUV because its finally given up on us :-(
- had Lucky Charms for breakfast on St. Patties Day and green Kool Aid. So very healthy.
Breakfast of Leprechauns |
- brought out the spring clothes
- had a lazy homeschooling week and took our spring break a little early
- found more signs of spring
- watched "The Adventures of Tin Tin"
- went to bed way to late because we were enjoying the longer days
- worked on building the chicken coop
Yes that's
Killian using a saw without safety glasses and the only reason he's
wearing gloves is cause I came up and complained. Remind me to not let
Scott teach lifeskills. Oh that's me supervising in the middle. |
- ate breakfast with the grandparents and made plans for a little homeschooling field trips
- thoroughly enjoyed the warm temps and actually sweated a few times. Ugh!!
- found a bird nest complete with eggs in the shed. Anyone have any idea what kind they are?
We found this in a box of junk in the shed. Just amazing!! |
- rode the lawn mower like he stole it and made us realize we will not be letting him drive anytime soon
- helped around the house quite a bit
- actually warmed up to the chickens a little
- gave me hugs every night before bed, but dont tell anyone
- is growing up way too fast and has me in height by a couple of inches
- cut wood using a handsaw and scared me half to death
- helped build the chicken coop
- had a friend spend the night Saturday and holed up in his for the duration
- thought bringing out the summer clothes was as fun as going shopping
- asked me if you get angry when you go through puberty which I
answered with a "sometimes". Then she told me that she must be going
through puberty cause she was angry a lot.
- told me she was mostly grumpy about her brother which I assured her was very normal
- showed a little attitude and a few tears which leads me to believe she might be suffering from RCS (roller coaster syndrome)
- read her Diary of a Dorky Girl book every chance she got
- spent the morning wrapped up in a snuggie reading her bible and writing songs
- had her friend Cinna come over this weekend and went to the park, to get ice cream and to wade in a creek.
Lotus and Cinna having a blast. |
- yelled at the dog for tearing my blanket. Then kissed her cause she's way too cute.
- talked to my friend, Shannon, who lives in Haiti and smiled because she will be coming home for 3 weeks in May. P.S. please take a look over at their blog and support this great family!!!
- got a new planner for homeschooling. It is the little things that make this girl happy.
- had a hissy fit when the car started acting up even more.
- walked with the girls to the park instead of driving. 1 MILE
- loved relaxing at the park while the girls played
(clockwise from the top) loving my Keens, Ftn. City park, me glaring from the sunlight (I look angry), taking a stroll |
- had to trust God that he will provide in spite of our broke down car.
- started learning the chords for Brown Eyed Girl.
- practicing more often than I had been
- enjoyed spending more time with Killian and the random hugs I've been getting
- sat outside in the warm sunshine and read
- spent way too much time on Pinterest. I cant help it I'm addicted.
- helped with the chicken coop. That's right. ;-)
- started memorizing verses by using Scripture Typer
- went on a secret mini date with the hubby. Dont tell the kids cause they would kill us for not taking them for chinese.
Me trying to get Scott to do a normal smile in horrible flourescent lighting. |
Yummy chinese food. |
Hum?? |
Oh I wonder what it could be?? |
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